

Another busy week down…! Very happy it’s Friday, although I can’t look forward to a lie in tomorrow as I have a pretty busy weekend ahead seeing friends and family! Talking of weekends, last week the boy and I went on a little walk around Syon Park and managed to get a couple of shots of my outfit where the wind wasn’t blowing hair in my face! ;-)



IMG_2492Topshop Cropped Jumper .:. Topshop Dip Hem Top (old) .:. River Island Shiny Leggings .:. Topshop Cut Out Boots

I’ve had this fluffy cropped jumper for a while and I wanted to find a bit of a different way to wear it other than with a high waisted skirt/shorts/jeans… Not that there’s anything wrong with any of those options, and I’ve been wearing it with said items too… but I wanted to get a bit more wear out of it as I love the colour and the fluffy texture!

I decided to try it with one of my favourite tops, one that seems to save me on those days when no outfit seems right! (I’m sure I’m not the only one!?) It’s a dip hem silk-like number, which I usually wear on it’s own or with a cardi, so pairing it with a jumper was a new one, but in my opinion it works! It felt quite effortless and casual and for a weekend day out (as well as work as I can wear whatever to the office), it felt like a good choice! It’s definitely saved as one of my go to outfits from now on!

What are your thoughts on cropped jumpers? What do you think to this combination?

Have a lovely weekend guys! :)


A Leopard Never Changes Its Spots


Sometimes you want an easy outfit for work or play and I like how a patterned cardi can update a simple outfit and make it look that little bit cooler.




IMG_2087Topshop Cardi, Long Sleeveless Shirt, Matte Leather Look Leggings (similar here) and Belt .:. H&M Loafers

I wore this outfit to work the other week. I’ve pretty much had most of the pieces in my wardrobe for quite some time and I like how sometimes you find something you haven’t worn for ages and find a new way to wear it! For me it was this long sleeveless shirt. I added a belt to break it up and give it a little more shape and chucked on my leopard print cardi and voila!

What do you think to this outfit?


Pink Marshmallow


The morning after my friend’s wedding, as we were getting ready to leave the hotel, I couldn’t help myself when I saw a swing! (There goes the big kid in me…) Pretty nice touch that it matched my outfit too! ;-)






IMG_2049Topshop Cardigan .:. Topshop White Stripey Tee .:. River Island Shiny Leggings (similar here) .:. Topshop Studded Slippers

After all day and night in heels and a dress, I packed this casual and comfortable outfit for the day after the wedding. To be honest it was a bit of a last minute outfit decision with me running late and throwing things into my overnight bag!

This pink cardigan is currently one of my favourites as it feels like I’m wearing a cloud! It’s really comfortable and gives a simple outfit of shiny leggings and a plain white tee a bit of a pop!

What do you think of this casual outfit?


Darker Shade Of Red


Last week I was on a work trip to Cologne which was so hectic, exhausting and amazing at the same time that I needed a whole weekend to recover! (Think I may still be feeling the effects now and it’s nearly been a week since I’ve been back!)



IMG_1626Topshop Leggings .:. Topshop Knit (similar here) .:. Mulberry Bag

Saturday was spent in my pajamas on the sofa where I could barely move, but on Sunday I managed to get out and about so a simple, effortless outfit was on the cards!  These oxblood coloured leggings are such a nice shade of deep red that all you need with them is a chunky black knit or top! You can’t go wrong with pairing it with a nice piece of jewellery as well! ;-)


Ruby Woo


I’m definitely feeling the cold these days… I’m not a brave one that can have my legs out all year round… as soon as it gets a bit colder, the tights or leggings are firmly on!! And a nice chunky knit does wonders as well! (Especially if you have to sit under a vent at work, which seems to constantly blow out cold air… I might need to invest in some fingerless gloves as well soon…!)





IMG_1285Pull & Bear Cardigan .:. Topshop Lace Top .:. River Island Shiny Leggings .:. Office Boots

These boots are a new addition to my AW wardrobe this year as I’ve been looking at them for well over 2 months but in July when the sun was shining, it didn’t seem right to be buying boots! But in mid August I gave in and purchased them! And I’m very happy I did! They’re the cut out sort that’s very IN these days ;-) so with frilly socks, on their own or with tights they look good! I like that they go with a skirt, dress or jeans! They have them in burgundy and tan as well and I love them too so who knows… ?!

I love a nice berry colour for Autumn, so this cardi is one of my favourites. Teamed with this lace oversize tee and shiny leggings, I think I’m onto a winner!

What do you think?


My Weekend: Peggy Porschen Cakes


At the weekend, the boyf and I got up fairly early and went to have a little look around the Capital Car Boot Sale in Pimlico. I’d heard a few good things about it so we wanted to check it out. We actually managed to grab ourselves a bargain and spent five whole pounds on a little wooden and leather chest for our living room! ;-)

Since we were in and around the area, we decided to go on a little explore and go and find Peggy Porschen Cakes after I’d read about it in Stylist the other week.












IMG_1121Topshop Top .:. Topshop Leggings .:. Zara Leather Jacket .:. Forever 21 Necklace .:. Topshop Slippers .:. Topshop Studded Belt

I’m not going to lie, I’m a bit obsessed with any sort of baked good and a cupcake is definitely one of my favourites so I was quite excited to get my paws on a cupcake after a bit of a chilly morning! The cake shop was quite easy to spot with its pink exterior and I couldn’t wait to get inside! There were quite a few flavours on offer, with the Strawberry and Champagne looking pretty delicious, but the Banoffee did it for me! Paul opted for an apple strudel and we took them to go to enjoy with a nice cuppa when we got home!

And not to forget my outfit… quite easy going, a pair of basic black leggings and a long top with this studded leather jacket, which I absolutely love! I added a little studded belt and a gold and black necklace that I managed to pick up in Florida earlier this summer.

Just one last thing about the cupcakes… SO light and fluffy!! Deffo a must if you’re ever in the area!


Studded Monochrome


Autumn is definitely on its way and when AW comes, I do love a bit of monochrome. This weekend, it was about family and friends so a pretty chilled out Saturday outfit was needed.




IMG_1053Topshop Studded Jumper .:. River Island Shiny Leggings .:. Mulberry Bag .:. Topshop Studded Shoes

I bought this jumper last winter but I love the detail of the studs (even when the studs fall off and you have to painstakingly superglue them back on… but what wouldn’t you do for fashion, eh?!). I like to wear shiny/leather look leggings with a simple knit as it gives it a little more edge and makes it look that little bit more dressy. Usually I add a necklace or something to give an outfit a little more ‘oomph’ (?!), but as the jumper is already studded, I didn’t think it needed it, so instead I wore my little studded shoes, which complete the look in my opinion.

What do you think to monochrome?


Roaming Around Richmond


Last weekend was a pretty chilled one, with Sunday being spent ‘roaming’ around Richmond. I love Richmond with it’s nice shops, bars and the river. For a day like that, I love nothing more than to wear something quite comfortable – for this occasion I threw on a pair of leopard print leggings and a top.










IMG_0479Topshop Leggings (recent sale) .:. ASOS Top .:. Topshop Necklace .:. Topshop Flats .:. Ray-ban Sunglasses

I ordered these leggings online and when they came I did think they were quite out there, but once I tried them on, I loved them! And with a plain black boyfriend tee with the sleeves rolled up, I was onto a winner! This outfit is pretty simple but simple is good. The leggings are quite thick, so I’ve only been able to wear them when it’s been a little cooler as I would probably melt but that means I’ll be able to wear them in the winter, no probs! Kinda can’t wait to wear them with a black jumper and my leather jacket! ;-)

What do you think to the leopard print? And did you spot the pug?! Still trying! ;-)
