Hermès at the Saatchi Gallery


As I mentioned in my last post, I had a few posts that I was meaning to write…

At the end of May, my two friends from work and I nipped out at lunchtime to check out the Hermès exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery. It was called the ‘Festival des Métiers’, basically the Festival of Crafts.

It was pretty amazing, you got to see artisans making handbags, watches, hand painted bowls and the most popular ‘attraction’ was the screen printing of scarves.


This French artisan has spent the last 20 odd years making Hermès handbags and here you can see him melting wax onto the seams of one. The majority of the handbag is handmade… No wonder they are so expensive!

As the old saying goes: ‘a picture says a thousand words’ so I’ll let you enjoy some of the other snaps I managed to get over the heads of all of the onlookers! ;-)

IMG_6253Making a handle



IMG_6260Hand painted ceramics




IMG_6279Screen printing inks


It really was amazing to see the screen printing, they have to have a different screen for each colour – so the more complicated the design, the more screens it has. The scarf that uses the most colours (and therefore screens) is 46! I think I’ll be trying to get my hands on one of them! ;-)

So what do you think? Does it make you appreciate Hermès products more, seeing how they’re made?

Did any of you manage to get down to the Saatchi to see this exhibition?
